K-MUG TechDay August 2017–Agenda Announced

Here it goes… It is always a joy organizing events. Speakers, thank you for accepting  my request on speaking engagements.

Date & Venue:
19, August 2017 at Orion India Systems, Kochi Infopark

K-MUG Tech Day – August 2017  – Agenda
1. Implementing bots in real life projects – by Alok R
2. Golang for Beginners by Alvin Zachariah
3. Diagramming the Architecture by Praveen Nair
    < Lunch break>
4. Introduction to Machine Learning on Azure by Albin Jacob
5. Kick start ASP.NET Core 2.0 by Anuraj P
6. Increasing Productivity with VS 2017 – by Amal Dev