Verify Credential: https://coursera.org/share/04a64b6baff82d00ce17a04e94726d31
Praveen's CTO Blog
Verify Credential: https://coursera.org/share/04a64b6baff82d00ce17a04e94726d31
I’m happy to share that I’ve obtained a new certification: AI for Product Management from Pendo.io!
Verify: https://www.credly.com/badges/10e7acce-1f49-49f4-b348-33e3568f7c29/public_url
Got two days of holidays due to UAE National Day so, I just utilized the opportunity to get certified in CSPO, which was also one of my 2021 certification goal.
Verification link: https://bcert.me/bc/html/profile.jsp?k=zvijiob
Certificate 5/7 – #GoogleUXDesign Professional Certificate program. #UX #ProductDesign
“Conduct UX Research and Test Early Concepts”
Was not so easy compared to other courses in the series, but completely worth it.
Certificate 4/7 – #GoogleUXDesign Professional Certificate program. #UX #ProductDesign
(there are more…)
View my achievement here – https://coursera.org/share/2a76acacc545200340a2a959670ec002
View my achievement from Google on Coursera – https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/WNENVHT8TCQQ