Find the PoserShell script:
$s = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "D:\_[Main]\sample.txt"
$p = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($s)
Write-Host $p
Praveen's CTO Blog
Find the PoserShell script:
$s = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "D:\_[Main]\sample.txt"
$p = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($s)
Write-Host $p
And I will be speaking about Cognitive Services and give a demo on Text Analytics. Register now at
Here goes the quick social media flyer designed by me for the announcement
This script will create an SQL Server Agent job, which will take daily database backup to a folder with date appended in the filename.
DECLARE @job varchar(100) = 'Backup_testdb_daily' -- Name of Job
DECLARE @db varchar(100) = 'testdb' -- DB to backup
DECLARE @bakfile varchar(100) = 'd:\_temp\' + @db -- Backup file path
DECLARE @date varchar(8) = '20180720' -- Job Start date
DECLARE @time varchar(8) = '135400' -- Job run time. Eg: Run At 23rd hour
DECLARE @cmd varchar(200) = CONCAT ('DECLARE @bakfile varchar(200) = ''' , @bakfile , ''' + ''_'' + convert(varchar(100),GetDate(),112) + ''.bak'';') +
CONCAT('BACKUP DATABASE ', @db, ' TO DISK = @bakfile');
USE msdb
EXEC dbo.sp_add_job
@job_name = @job;
EXEC sp_add_jobstep
@job_name = @job,
@step_name = 'Backup database',
@subsystem = 'TSQL',
@command = @cmd
EXEC sp_add_jobschedule
@job_name = @job,
@name = 'DB Backup Schedule',
@freq_type = 4, -- daily
@freq_interval = 1,
@active_start_date = @date,
@active_start_time = @time
EXEC dbo.sp_add_jobserver
@job_name = @job,
@server_name = @@SERVERNAME
You can change the Analysis Services mode from Multidimensional Mode to Tabular Mode or vice versa easily by following below steps. I did this on SQL Server Analysis Services 2016 version.
Step 1: Edit msmdsrv.ini file
Go to folder X:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS13.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Config
Change X: with your correct installation drive.
Open file msmdsrv.ini in notepad
It is recommended to take a backup first. There is a chance this folder require additional permission to edit so I would suggest you to open the file “as Administrator”
Find the tag <DeploymentMode>0</DeploymentMode>
If your current mode is Multidimensional then the DeploymentMode value will be 0 or if Tabular, then it will be 2. Change it to 0 or 2 as per your requirement.
Step 2: Restart SSAS
Open SQL Server Configuration Manager from Start menu and
Right click on “SQL Server Analysis Services” and click “Restart” in the context menu.
Finished! Try connecting to SSAS instance in SSMS to test.