And I will be speaking about Cognitive Services and give a demo on Text Analytics. Register now at
Here goes the quick social media flyer designed by me for the announcement
Praveen's CTO Blog
And I will be speaking about Cognitive Services and give a demo on Text Analytics. Register now at
Here goes the quick social media flyer designed by me for the announcement
You can register for the event here Here goes the flyer I designed for this event:
Here it goes… It is always a joy organizing events. Speakers, thank you for accepting my request on speaking engagements.
Date & Venue:
19, August 2017 at Orion India Systems, Kochi Infopark
K-MUG Tech Day – August 2017 – Agenda
1. Implementing bots in real life projects – by Alok R
2. Golang for Beginners by Alvin Zachariah
3. Diagramming the Architecture by Praveen Nair
< Lunch break>
4. Introduction to Machine Learning on Azure by Albin Jacob
5. Kick start ASP.NET Core 2.0 by Anuraj P
6. Increasing Productivity with VS 2017 – by Amal Dev