Introduction to DAX
Learn how to create and work with DAX, from an established expert.
- OLAP – OnLine Analytical Processing
- ROLAP – Relational OnLine Analytical Processing
- MOLAP – Multidimensional OnLine Analytical Processing
- HOLAP – Hybrid OnLine Analytical Processing
- DOLAP – Desktop/Database OnLine Analytical Processing
- WOLAP – Web Enabled OnLine Analytical Processing
Read more here –
K-MUG Microsoft TechDay–.NET Core Day on 24 March 2018
Blockchain basics
Here is a good link where the concept of Blockchain is explained simply:
Get Last Modified Date without downloading the file in PowerShell
Compatibility: v5.x
$zipfile = "https://www..../xyz/"
add-type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
public bool CheckValidationResult(
ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
return true;
$AllProtocols = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Ssl3,Tls,Tls11,Tls12'
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $AllProtocols
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
#$res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $zipfile
$webRequest = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($zipfile)
$webRequest.Method = "GET"
[System.Net.HttpWebResponse]$webResponse = $webRequest.GetResponse()
Write-Output $webResponse.LastModified
Getting SQL Server result set in PowerShell
Compatibility: v5.x
If you are a .NET developer then you are already familiar with this code
$connectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2016CTP3"
$dt = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$da = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Person.Address", $connectionString)
Write-Output $dt.Rows[0]["AddressLine1"]
# or
ForEach ($dr in $dt.Rows) {
Write-Output $dr["AddressLine1"]
K-MUG Kochi Microsoft TechDay–21 October 2017
100-day Azure Trainings at Orion
I have started an Azure training series under the brand ‘Tech Hour’ at the company I work for – Orion. Plan is to deliver short sessions of 30 to 45 minutes which spans 100 days. Below are the azure topics planned to cover:
- Day 001 Azure: Cloud Computing
- Day 002 Azure: Portal
- Day 003 Azure: XaaS
- Day 004 Azure: Web Apps
- Day 005 Azure: App Service
- Day 006 Azure: Virtual Machines
- Day 007 Azure: Linux
- Day 008 Azure: Functions – Part I
- Day 009 Azure: Functions – Part II
- Day 010 Azure: SQL Database – Part I
- Day 011 Azure: SQL Database – Part II
- Day 012 Azure: Storage – Part I
- Day 013 Azure: Storage – Part II
- Day 014 Azure: Storage – Part II
- Day 015 Azure: Logic Apps – Part I
- Day 016 Azure: Logic Apps – Part II
- Day 017 Azure: Logic Apps – Part III
- Day 018 Azure: Service Fabric
- Day 019 Azure: Cloud Services
- Day 020 Azure: Cognitive Services – Part I
- Day 021 Azure: Cognitive Services – Part II
- Day 022 Azure: Cognitive Services – Part III
- Day 023 Azure: Cognitive Services – Part IV
- Day 024 Azure: Key Vault
- Day 025 Azure: Data and BigData
- Day 026 Azure: Data Factory – Part I
- Day 027 Azure: Data Factory – Part II
- Day 028 Azure: HDInsight
- Day 029 Azure: API Management
- Day 030 Azure: Machine Learning – Part I
- Day 031 Azure: Machine Learning – Part II
- Day 032 Azure: Application Insights
- Day 033 Azure: Unstructured Data
- Day 034 Azure: Cosmos DB
- Day 035 Azure: Spark for HDInsight
- Day 036 Azure: Storm for HDInsight
- Day 037 Azure: R Server for HDInsight
- Day 038 Azure: IoT Suite
- Day 039 Azure: Active Directory
- Day 040 Azure: Mobile Services
- Day 041 Azure: CDN
- Day 042 Azure: SQL Data Warehouse
- Day 043 Azure: Multi-Factor Authentication
- Day 044 Azure: Media Services
- Day 045 Azure: Stream Analytics
- Day 046 Azure: Event Hubs
- Day 047 Azure: Service Bus
- Day 048 Azure: Scheduler
- Day 049 Azure: Notification Hub
- Day 050 Azure: Automation
- Day 051 Azure: Log Analytics
- Day 052 Azure: Redis Cache
- Day 053 Azure: Search
- Day 054 Azure: Application Gateway
- Day 055 Azure: Data Catalog
- Day 056 Azure: Data Lake Store
- Day 057 Azure: Data Lake Analytics
- Day 058 Azure: Bot Service
- Day 059 Azure: Containers
- Day 060 Azure: Container Service
- Day 061 Azure: SQL Server Stretch Database
- Day 062 Azure: Media Player
- Day 063 Azure: Monitor
- Day 064 Azure: Insight & Analytics
- Day 065 Azure: Analysis Services
- Day 066 Azure: Time Series Insights
- Day 067 Azure: MySQL
- Day 068 Azure: PostgreSQL
- Day 069 Azure: Virtual Machine Scale Sets
- Day 070 Azure: Bing integration
- Day 071 Azure: PowerShell – Part I
- Day 072 Azure: PowerShell – Part II
- Day 073 Azure: Cloud Shell
- Day 074 Azure: Service Bus
- Day 075 Azure: Serverless computing
- Day 076 Azure: High Availability
- Day 077 Azure: DevOps
- Day 078 Azure: Load Balancer
- Day 079 Azure: Virtual Private Networks
- Day 080 Azure: Web App for Containers
- Day 081 Azure: SQL Elastic database pool
- Day 082 Azure: DaaS for MongoDB
- Day 083 Azure: Developer Tools
- Day 084 Azure: Design of applications
- Day 085 Azure: ASP.NET Core – Part I
- Day 086 Azure: ASP.NET Core – Part II
- Day 087 Azure: Securing your Apps
- Day 088 Azure: Event Grid
- Day 089 Azure: Stack
- Day 090 Azure: Cost Consciousness
- Day 091 Azure: vs Amazon Web Services
- Day 092 Azure: with PowerBI
- Day 093 Azure: Flow vs LA vs Functions
- Day 094 Azure: Best Practices
- Day 095 Azure: Resouce Manager
- Day 096 Azure: Deep Learning with CNTK
- Day 097 Azure: Case Study – Part I
- Day 098 Azure: Case Study – Part II
- Day 099 Azure: Case Study – Part III
- Day 100 Azure: Learning Roadmap
I am speaking at MobConf AI Bootcamp at Kochi
I will be delivering a session on Microsoft SQL Server 2016 R Services and introduction to R Language on Saturday 16th September 2017 at Infopark, Kochi.
More details :
Register for this full day event for free here